Friday, October 31, 2008

Composition and the five

1. This picture shows shadow and light, the light shines on one side of the snow, creating a light/dark impact.

2. This picture shows a part of composition of photography, Simplicity, it makes you look at the sky instead of the leaves.

3. This picture shows another element of composition named texture, it uses shadows and the leaves to trick your eye into thinking that if you touch it it will have texture.

4. This picture shows another element, scale, this picture gives the illusion that there is a mountain is shrouding the sun, but it is actually just a small piece of snow.

5. This picture shows the element line, it creates an impact with it's horizontal and curving lines magnified by the angle angle of the camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, again. I like the photos you've done here.But I have some criticisms, here goes, *inhales* The first one is great, I like that one. The second, same thing, the third one, I like the use of texture, but I'm not really fooled by the trick you mentioned. The fourth one, I like the snow effect but I can see that it isn't a Mountain. snow drift, maybe. The last one, it's a nice photo, but, Wha-? *Gasps for air* Done.